The love-hate relationship with the microwave

Where should you place your microwave in your kitchen?
Microwaves are found in 90% of kitchens because they cook food quickly and are simple to operate. But as we become more health conscious, we are paying attention to the air in our homes. Unfortunately, over the range microwaves can have significant negative impact on our homes and our indoor air quality. While many over-the-range microwaves offer ventilation, they do not provide the effective capture that a range hood is intended to provide. In the article “The Importance of a Range Hood” we talk about why choosing a range hood is critical. But many of us still want the convenience of a microwave in a kitchen. So, where can you put that microwave? 

  1. Set microwave into cabinetry 

For a built-in look, countertop models can be tucked into a shelf or opening in the cabinetry. This frees up space on your work surface by allowing you to move the microwave away from it. The closer the microwave fits into the space, the more streamlined it appears. 

* Building cabinetry around the microwave or installing it inside a cabinet usually does not necessitate demolition, making it a simple and inexpensive option. * 

  1. Install the microwave in a drawer 

Consider a drawer-style microwave built into an island or elsewhere beneath the countertop for a more discrete appearance. A drawer-style microwave, when tucked beneath the counter, provides easy access, readily available landing space for food going into or coming out of the microwave, and no demands on counter space. 

* Drawer-style microwaves, because of their location, provide easier access than countertop microwaves. This configuration is the safest for all users and gives the kitchen a high-end appearance. * 

  1. Install the microwave with a wall oven 

If you have the space in your kitchen, stacking your microwave over a wall oven not only creates a beautiful, streamlined look, but also places the microwave at a convenient height. There are microwave-oven combos available (often convection-style microwaves), or you can install a wall oven with a separate microwave using the trim kit pictured above. 

  1. Place the microwave on a shelf  

Putting your microwave on a shelf is a great idea. As a result, you can place your shelf wherever you want in your kitchen. Simply make sure it is big enough and strong enough to hold your microwave's size and weight. 

  1. Install the microwave in the island  

Microwaves built into an island are an excellent way to keep them out of sight while still allowing access to them. When you arrange your island in this manner, you maximize its utility, which is often underutilized in the average kitchen. This will help free up space in the main cabinets for frequently used kitchen items. 

  1. Ditch the microwave 

It is your kitchen. There is no rule that requires you to have a microwave. As many people's preferences shift toward home-cooked meals and authentic flavors, we are seeing a shift away from microwaves and toward more specialized cooking appliances. 

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