How to Keep Your Bathroom Clean and Air Fresh
What’s this? When did my white grout get so…not white?
Many of us have probably thought or uttered that very thing. Where did this mold come from and why can’t I seem to keep it at bay?It’s no surprise that bathrooms are a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and fungi that lead to mold and mildew. The warm humid environment is perfect for these germs and fungi to thrive, and thrive they do.
Ok, so how can we combat these germs and fungi?
First, get the humidity out! We know a thing or two about that at Broan-NuTone®. We have a wide variety of bathroom ventilation fans that move humid air out of the bathroom. Remember to leave the fan on for 20 minutes after your shower to ensure that enough humidity has been removed.

Next, keep things clean. Use your favorite cleaner to fight off germs and fungi. But that only works once. As soon as you’ve cleaned, more germs land on your bathroom’s surfaces. How do you stop that? No one has time to clean every hour of every day!
That’s where our SurfaceShield™ technology steps in. SurfaceShield™ with Vyv™ antibacterial light technology is an LED light technology that kills viruses and help prevent the growth of germs and fungi.

Vyv’s precise spectrum of visible light works to kill viruses and prevents the growth of germs and fungi by initiating a photo-activation of porphyrin molecules found in bacteria, yeast, and fungi. This photo-activation leads to the production of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS). In high doses, ROS cause irreparable damage to the cellular structure, which leads to bacterial cell death. These activated molecules are unique to bacteria, yeast, and fungi cells, and are not found in human cells, making this spectrum of light safe to be used around humans.

Keep your air fresh, your grout sparkling, and your family healthy with a Broan-NuTone bathroom ventilation fan with SurfaceShield™ technology.