Save Today. Save Tomorrow. Save for Good.
The ENERGY STAR provides credible and energy efficient choices for our future. As a result, ENERGY STAR is the easy choice for energy efficiency, making it easier for consumers and companies to purchase goods that save money while still preserving the environment. There are many ways you can lower utility bills and create energy-efficient homes and that could start by choosing an ENERGY STAR product.

At Broan-Nutone we are excited to share our ENERGY STAR products. Our energy efficient bath fan keeps excess moisture from accumulating in your bathroom and mildew from spreading . This means you’ll spend less time cleaning and save on cleaning supplies. You’ll also get the added benefit of breathing fresh, healthy air. An energy efficient fresh air system saves money on your energy bill by tempering the air you bring into your home before it hits your furnace or air conditioner and wallet.
Saving energy saves resources too. We still rely on the oil, gas, and coal industry to power our homes and businesses. But using energy efficient products helps to stretch those resources and opens up the possibility for renewable energy to be even more powerful.
Saving energy saves tomorrow by protecting our resources. Next time you are out shopping for an appliance, bathroom fan, or kitchen range hood, take a moment to see if it is ENERGY STAR certified. Make a conscious effort to save a few dollars while still doing some good.
Don’t forget to celebrate your energy savings on ENERGY STAR Day, April 13th, 2021.