Change is In the Air:
COVID-19 Redefines “Healthy Home” for Consumers
A 2020 consumer study conducted by Broan-NuTone Clears the Air on how COVID-19 and social distancing has changed the American consumer’s household routines and perspectives on air and health within their homes.
In a matter of weeks, COVID-19 completely redefined the American home. What was once a sanctuary to “come home” to at the end of the day now serves as a multipurpose center for work, schooling, fitness, entertainment and bed & breakfast. From stockpiling and cooking to compulsively disinfecting surfaces, consumers have transformed their daily routines in an effort to be “Safer at Home.” But is this “new normal” of cleansing behavior actually clouding the air we breathe?
In our mission to ensure everyone can Come Home to Fresh Air, we wanted to understand how this extraordinary pandemic has affected consumer home habits and attitudes to indoor air quality in the place we breathe most.

In May of 2020, Broan-Nutone, a global leader in residential ventilation and air quality solutions, partnered with Savanta, a research and business intelligence consultancy, to conduct an online study with homeowners and renters. The study used set quotas based on gender, age and region to ensure that survey samples were proportionally representative of the entire U.S. adult internet population.
To qualify, respondents needed to have full or partial decision-making power for home upkeep and renovations. Profiles of respondents fitting these criteria appear in the demographics section of this report.
Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) is a Growing Concern Due to Social Distancing. As most Americans lived or continue to live in states with some type of “safer-at-home” order in place, life for many has been concentrated almost entirely within the home. This sudden shift to domestic life has allowed many to pause, take a breath and reexamine their home and the realities of the environment within. How has this time impacted people’s concerns on the air they breathe?
As a result of COVID-19, nearly two-thirds of consumers stated that they are feeling more concerned about indoor air quality than before.
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