Five expert tips for optimum ventilation in your kitchen

Good ventilation of the kitchen is the key to eliminating smoke cooking, odors and volatile organic compounds ... Knowing that a VOC can persist in the ambient air up to 3 days, you have best interest to eliminate them as soon as possible by a good ventilation!
Here are 5 simple tips that every homeowner should consider:
  1. Vent the hood outdoors from the house! A duct connecting the range hood to the outside of the house will provide unparalleled efficiency. Although a charcoal filter recirculation method remains a good alternative for locations where no ventilation to the outside is possible, it will never be as effective as completely remove smoke, odors and particles (which may be 100 times smaller than a human hair) outside the house.
  1. Select a range hood that fits your cooking style! Several elements can influence the choice of the hood: the design, the type of model based on the space available, etc. However, the style of cooking should be the first element to consider when choosing the appropriate ventilation fan. Is it a gas range or an electric range? Is the cooking surface 30 in. wide, 36 in. wide or even more? Does cooking habits generate fat and excessive fumes regularly? Feel free to read our article "Choosing the right range hood" to learn more.
  1. Eliminate sources of turbulence surrounding! If a ceiling fan or a floor fan is nearby, or even a large open window creates air currents in the house, this could cause turbulence above your cooktop and incidentally, reduce the particles and smoke capture performances. For this purpose, it is recommended to start the hood few minutes before starting the cooking in order to initiate the movement of air outwards.
  1. Install the range hood according to the manufacturer's recommendations! If a hood is too far from the cooking surface, it will not provide the desired performance. Even a few centimeters too high will make a big difference! It is therefore necessary to follow the manufacturer recommendations.
  1. Don’t forget to take care of the maintenance of the exterior exit! An inlet valve clogged or uninstalled correctly may cause a back draft. Why not take advantage of spring or fall cleaning period to check the inlet valve, to ensure maximum performance during the evacuation of the air?
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